Usage Reporting

How to download and view your Usage Reports

Written by Service Team
Updated over a week ago

A Usage Report is a suite of reporting created to help admins ensure that their meal plan utilization is inline with the company budget and goals.

To generate a report follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Company tab on the top right of of your Foodee Admin profile

  2. Click Orders under Company Settings

  3. Click Usage Reports

  4. Select Weekly or Monthly

  5. Select the Date

  6. Select the Location

  7. Click Generate Report

Generating the report will give you a visualization of the user usage for the time period.

If you wish to download this data simply click Export as CSV, select if you were prefer the summarized view or an item by item breakdown and click send report.
When the report is sent it will NOT download to your computer. It will be sent to you in an email, so please check your inbox.

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